Petit Jardin Restaurant Luxembourg. After twelve years of life in France, the B&B on Rue Molière is now a lovely private home for a Norwegian couple to begin their retirement. Linda and I have settled into our second attempt at retirement, this time in The Republic of Panama.
Our website has a new look and is under construction in. Situé dans le sixième arrondissement de Paris entre le quartier Latin, Saint-Germain des Prés et Montparnasse , le Jardin du Luxembourg est l'un des espaces verts favoris des Parisiens et des touristes. The Luxembourg Palace, which gives its name to the gardens, is currently owned by the French Senate.
After twelve years of life in France, the B&B on Rue Molière is now a lovely private home for a Norwegian couple to begin their retirement.
Linda and I have settled into our second attempt at retirement, this time in The Republic of Panama.
Filet de canette en croûte d'orange. Le Jardin était désormais orienté du nord au sud, comme le Palais, et sa superficie considérablement augmentée : son extrémité touchait presque au boulevard du Montparnasse. The Luxembourg Palace, which gives its name to the gardens, is currently owned by the French Senate.